639 S. Green St, W-S, NC 27101
Mondays and Wednesdays 1pm-7pm
Saturdays 12pm-5pm
Mobile Services Available Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 11am-5pm call or text (336)529-4492.
Delivery is only available within Forsyth County
Please note that mobile services are meant to serve those who have no transportation, live in rural areas, and/or are unhoused.
Twin City Harm Reduction Collective (TCHRC) is a Harm Reduction organization based in Winston Salem, NC. We believe that Harm Reduction is, first and foremost, a movement to fight for the basic human rights of drug users; rights that have been routinely and systematically trampled under the policies of prohibition and the "War on Drugs". Our work is informed by this reality.
We provide support and services for people who use drugs (PWUD) such as syringe service, overdose response and reversal training, education on safer use techniques, and referrals to community resources and SUD treatment.

For too long we have accepted the caging of human beings and the stripping of their rights under the false assumption that it would deter the using and selling of certain substances. We have looked the other way when confronted with the racist, sexist, and classist propaganda that defined the movement for prohibition in the United States. We have been distracted as our proud country has quickly become the shameful owners of the world's largest prison population, due in large part to stiffer and stiffer penalties for drug crimes since the early 1970's. We have decided to treat a public health issue with war rather than evidence-based practices. The Twin City Harm Reduction Collective works with drug users to to try to minimize the damage done not only by drugs, but also by over a century of racist, hateful, cynical drug policy in this country. We believe that all people, regardless of what they ingest or choose to do, are worthy and deserving of love, respect, and compassion. We do this work because we see the impact it has on a daily basis and because we believe that we can and will change drug policy in this country for the better.